Resource Links
County Office for the Aging - Senior Support Services
The Orange County Office for the Aging is committed to meeting the
special service needs of Orange County's senior population.
Family Service of Orange County
Jewish Family Service of Orange County provides services to adults
over 60. Do you or someone you know need Transportation to
essential appointments, help with grocery shopping and friendly
visits, wellness phone calls, case management, and counseling
support? JFS partners with Office for the Aging. For more
information about programs please call 845-341-1173 or email
2021 Orange County Housing Listing For Older Adults
Provides Orange County Seniors with information on senior housing
in Orange County.
2021 Orange County information on Nursing Homes and
Rehabilitation facilities in the Orange County area.
Provides Orange County Seniors with information on Nursing Homes
and Rehabilitation facilities in the Orange County area.
2021 Orange County Listing For Adult Day Care Programs Servicing
the Orange County Area
Provides Orange County Seniors with information on Adult Day Care
Programs Servicing the Orange County Area.
Caring.Com provides a free resource provides comprehensive
information on nursing home care in New York, including a detailed
cost breakdown, information on programs that may pay for skilled
nursing, and a summary of the New York laws governing the
operation of skilled nursing facilities. .
Housing Guide
A comprehensive list of emergency housing resources. These
programs can help your loved one find safe housing in your area..
of Goshen
Village of Goshen website.
Town of
Town of Goshen website
Chamber of Commerce
Goshen happenings as well as a
directory, demographic information, city services, area hotels
and attractions, and information on the chamber staff.
Public Library & Historical Society
A member of the Catskill-Ramapo library system, the Library
strives to enrich reading and the use of technology for lifelong
learning and the enhancement of the individual’s quality of life.
Medication Safety For The Elderly: A Guide For Patients And
In this handout, learn how to get the benefits of medicine,
whether prescription or nonprescription, while minimizing and
managing the risks.
The Ultimate Guide To Senior Nutrition
Many families worry about senior nutrition and making sure their
loved one is eating correctly, sitting down to meals full of
healthy choices. So Minute Women decided to come up with a great
guide to senior nutrition and eating.
Health: What To Expect In Your 70s And Beyond
AARP sponsored guide on health and wellbeing for for seniors.
Is My Elderly Parent Incompetent? What To Do If You’re Worried
Sponsored by Better Health While Aging - Practical information for
senior health & family caregivers.
12 Ways To Help Seniors Avoid Social Isolation
Here are some ways to promote social health, connectedness and
help seniors avoid social isolation sponsored by SAMVEDA.